Vendor Audit and Labour Laws

Associations use a vendor audit to estimate a third party hired by the association. An inspection can examine several issues, similar to the association’s quality control, costs, benefits, cyber security protection, or other aspects. Typically, vendor audits are conducted to ensure contractors are accountable for their outcomes and government compliance. Still, these audits also play a part in helping businesses directly to estimate costs and help detainments and material shortages. Ameliorate established processes add value and make connections since numerous large systems have more significant pitfalls, especially concerning resistance and cost recovery inspection programs that a vendor must prioritize. Three types of vendor audits can be added up as follows and in this blog we are discussing about Vendor Audit and Labour Laws.

Vendor Audit and Labour Laws

    • Pre-qualification inspection as stated over.

    • Re-qualification and in-process check-ups. These examinations are frequently referred to as Quality Assurance (QA) examinations.

    • Extension of non-supervisory inspection from guarantor to seller.

Vendor audits can also uncover other issues related to the vendor’s performance, such as quality control, financial stability, and contractual obligations; by conducting regular vendor audits, organizations can identify and address these issues before they become significant problems. The labour laws vary from country to country, but some fundamental principles include fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect for workers’ rights. Therefore, when conducting a vendor audit, it is essential to ensure that the vendor complies with these labour laws. The following are the key aspects that vendors should cover during a vendor audit as per labour laws:

Working conditions:

The vendor should evaluate the working conditions to ensure the workers are safe and healthy. This includes checking for adequate lighting, ventilation, and sanitation facilities. Also, the vendor should have safety measures to prevent accidents and injuries.

Contract of employment:

The vendor’s employment contract should comply with labour laws. The contract should specify the terms of employment, including the job description, working hours, wages, benefits, and termination procedure. The vendor should also provide the workers with a copy of the contract.

Wages and salaries as per labour laws:

The vendor should pay the workers fair wages in compliance with the minimum wage laws. The vendor should deliver the salaries on time and not be deducted for any reason other than those allowed by law. It should also provide the workers with appropriate benefits such as health insurance, paid leave, retirement plans, and working hours. The vendor should comply with the laws regarding working hours, including the maximum number of hours per day or week. The workers should also be allowed to take breaks and rest periods.

Who can work:

The vendor should not employ any child laborers. The labour laws usually prohibit engaging anyone below a certain age of 14 or above, and the vendor should verify the workers’ age before employing them.

Discrimination and harassment:

 The vendor should not discriminate against any worker based on gender, race, religion, or nationality. The workers should also be protected from any form of harassment or abuse.

Maintenance of record:

The vendor should maintain accurate records of the worker’s employment, including their wages, hours worked, and benefits received. The vendor should keep these records for a specified period and make them available for inspection during the audit.


Vendor audits can also help organizations to mitigate their legal liabilities. Suppose a vendor is found to be non-compliant with labour laws. In that case, the organization can take corrective actions such as terminating the contract or requiring the vendor to implement corrective measures. Vendor audits are an essential tool for ensuring compliance with labour laws.

By conducting regular vendor audits, organizations can ensure that their vendors comply with labour laws and protect employees’ rights and well-being. Therefore, organizations should prioritize vendor audits in their vendor management process.

Vendor Audit