The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board issued an order via a revised notification dated 25th March 2023 related to Marriage Assistance, Accidental Death Assistance, and Natural Death Assistance.
The Tamil Nadu Labours Welfare Board, via the Marriage Allowance Scheme, published for Labour Welfare Fund order to increase the amount for marriage assistance from Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- to the workers or the son/daughter of the workers.
The scheme also provides Rs. 3,000/- in the case of males and Rs. 5000/- in the case of females as the marriage allowance to the workers or their children only if they have attained the legal age of marriage.
Section 20 and 17 of the Labours Welfare Fund Act, 1972, provides the mandatory Tamil Nadu Welfare Board by the Secretary. The workers are allowed only once throughout their tenure to bear the expenditure incurred from the Board Welfare Fund.
According to the 79th Board Meeting resolution, which was held on 25th May 2022, the Tamil Nadu Labours Welfare Board issued an order to increase the Accidental Death Assistance case of a worker who pays welfare fund to the Tamil Nadu Labours Welfare Board from Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 20,000/-.
By order of the Governor, the revised notification shall come into effect from 1st April 2023.
According to the 79th Board Meeting resolution, which was held on 25th May 2022, The Secretary of the Tamil Nadu Labours Welfare Board requested the Government to increase the natural death assistance in case of the death of a labourer who pays funds to the Tamil Nadu Labours Welfare Board, from Rs. 25,000/- to Rs. 50,000/.
The increased amount of assistance shall come into effect from 1st April 2023 by order of the Governor.