The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 (SHW Act) defines a workplace as any private organization, institution, or establishment engaged in activities such as commercial, educational, health services, sports, or entertainment.
This definition encompasses film locations and YouTube studios, making them workplaces under the Act.
Why Film Locations and YouTube Studios Are Considered Workplaces
Regular Employment: Many individuals working on film sets or YouTube productions are employed regularly, often for extended periods. Their work involves specific tasks and responsibilities, making them employees in a traditional sense.
Hierarchical Structure: Film sets and YouTube studios often have a hierarchical structure, with producers, directors, and other senior personnel overseeing the work of junior crew members. This power dynamic can create opportunities for sexual harassment.
Shared Spaces: Film locations and YouTube studios involve shared spaces where employees work together, interact, and socialize. This can lead to situations where unwanted advances or comments occur.
The Importance of Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs) in Film and Media
Given the nature of the film and media industry, where women are often underrepresented in senior positions, it is particularly important to have robust ICCs in place.
These committees play a crucial role in:
Providing a Safe Space: ICCs provide a safe and confidential space for women to report incidents of sexual harassment without fear of retaliation.
Investigating Complaints: ICCs investigate complaints promptly and fairly, ensuring that appropriate action is taken against perpetrators.
Preventing Future Occurrences: ICCs can help to prevent future incidents of sexual harassment by implementing preventive measures and raising awareness about workplace conduct.
Challenges and Considerations in Implementing ICCs in Film and Media
Temporary Nature of Film Sets: Unlike traditional workplaces, film sets are often temporary, which can make it challenging to establish a permanent ICC. However, it is possible to create a temporary ICC for the duration of a production.
Power Dynamics: The power dynamics within the film and media industry can make it difficult for women to report harassment, especially when the perpetrator is a senior figure.
It is essential to create a culture of respect and accountability to encourage reporting.
Remote Work: With the increasing popularity of remote work in the film and media industry, it is important to ensure that ICCs are accessible to all employees, regardless of their location.
Recommendations for Film Producers and YouTube Channels
Establish a Clear Policy: Develop a clear and comprehensive sexual harassment policy that outlines the organization’s commitment to preventing and addressing harassment.
Train Employees: Provide training to all employees, including freelancers and contractors, on sexual harassment prevention, the definition of consent, and the reporting process.
Create a Safe Reporting Mechanism: Ensure that there is a clear and accessible mechanism for reporting harassment, such as a dedicated hotline or email address.
Investigate Complaints Thoroughly: Conduct prompt and thorough investigations of all harassment complaints, taking appropriate disciplinary action against perpetrators.
Provide Support to Survivors: Offer support services to survivors of harassment, such as counselling or legal assistance.
Promote a Culture of Respect: To Encourage a workplace culture that values diversity, inclusion, and respect for all employees.
By taking these steps, film producers and YouTube channels can create a safer and more inclusive working environment for all employees.
Film locations and YouTube studios are considered workplaces under the Sexual Harassment Act, and it is imperative that they have robust ICCs in place to protect their female employees. While there may be challenges in implementing ICCs in these industries, it is essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of all employees.
By establishing clear policies, providing training, and creating a supportive environment, film producers and YouTube channels can contribute to a more equitable and respectful industry.